VIC State Series 2 (22/03/2015)
Category: Competition
Map/area: Bugal State Forest
Country: Australia
Distance: 8.2 km
Time: 53:13
Must have run over control 4 without seeing it - lost 3:30
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Craig : and the noodle award goes to...
Simon Rouse : Just when you think the bad old days are behind you.
Jim : Rooey lost time at 4 as well, more than a min to me. Like your diversion to 9, checking out the top of the hill. I heard that Louis Cameron went over the hill, and straight up the west face, must be a Mountain Goat
Simon Rouse : Didn't even see there was a double stream crossing, think I went to sleep. Interestingly Winsplits didn't flag that leg as a time loss. I must have smashed it after checking out the top of the hill.
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VIC State Series 2 (22/03/2015) VIC State Series 2 (22/03/2015)