Italy training 2 (21/06/2014)
Category: Training
Map/area: Kubelek
Country: Italy
Distance: 3.01 km
Time: 26:58
Average HR: 154
Maximum HR: 169
Was done as a bit of a interval session every 5 controls with Lizzie, Jas, and Greta. Still trying to make sure that I don't do too much in the forest on my knee.
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Jim : How are the 'trenches' to get across, not much of a hassle?
Christopher Naunton : That probably didn't tell you too much. But you might have worked out if you take a running jump they aren't too bad but if you find a bad spot where you can't jump you will loose time.
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Italy training 2 (21/06/2014) Italy training 2 (21/06/2014)