Mt Stirling Rogaine - Ross and Kat's run (05.11.2014)
Kategori: Competition
Kart/område: Mt Stirling
Arrangør: Timbertop
Land: Australia
Disiplin: Rogaine
Distanse: 32.59 km
Tid: 390:27
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Jim : Looks like a success, was the map well received
Christopher Naunton : Yeah it went pretty well. The map was pretty good for not a lot of in field checking, Still have found a few small things to change. 15 got placed in the from spot just outside the circle and a few others were just off as the gps shows. although 25 got put massively out but oh well. Anyway everyone appreciated having a map that you could see contours and the tracks were 95% accurate which was the whole point of it.
Fredrik : Looks great!!!
Christopher Naunton : Yeah it did come up pretty well. Thanks heaps for your help and your knowledge, made life a lot easier.
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Mt Stirling Rogaine - Ross and Kat's run (05.11.2014) Mt Stirling Rogaine - Ross and Kat's run (05.11.2014)