2012 Easter Day 1 (07.04.2012)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Over The Border
Pořadatel: Orienteering Queensland
Země: Australia
Disciplína: Middle
Skutečná délka: 6.16 km
Čas: 37:26
Easter Day 1 Middle Distance
Over The Border

I felt good out of the start, but I was sloppy on the long leg to 1. I missed the second indistinct track, and didn't have a backup plan ready. I was hoping to run hard and use the track, but I ended up fumbling through the forest.
2 and 3 were good. I exited 3 in the right direction, but upon crossing the gully I didn't see the bare rock, so I thought that I was too low. I ended up being too high and I hit the clearing 100m to the SW.'
On the way to 5 Shep caught me. He missed 5 a bit so I left him. He got ahead again, but his run was a bit messy.
I felt quite strong in the flat forest and I made up some time, passing Jim 4 minutes just after 13. Upon exiting 14 Shep was coming back to it. I got the last one cleanly, and finished in just over 37 minutes.

My speed was ok, but I hope to be able to minimise the annoying early mistakes
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2012 Easter Day 1 (07.04.2012) 2012 Easter Day 1 (07.04.2012)