Ogden and Hann Series - night training (05.01.2014)
Kategorie: Training
Mapa/oblast: Golden Fleece
Skutečná délka: 7.76 km
Čas: 70:13
Prům. tepy: 142
Max. tepy: 170
quite obismal in places. The lake on the way to 17 was huge.. I hit it a few times and gps says I didn't go near it. Then I decided i needed to bail to meet the others. I then initially thought I crossed the creek and sand in a different spot tried to correct it and that just turned out into a thick fight so bailed back around. quite entertaining night. good fun and very hard in places.
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Ogden and Hann Series - night training (05.01.2014) Ogden and Hann Series - night training (05.01.2014)