Sprintervals 1 (02/01/2017)
Категория: Training
Карта/область: Keithcott Farm
Организатор: Southern Arrows
Страна: Australia
Дисциплина: Sprint
Длина пути: 1.05 km
Время: 8:37
Average HR: 129
Maximum HR: 151
I couldn't run away from Patrick as he started to cry, so I thought I'd give myself an extra handicap by orienteering with a 13kg pram and a 15kg toddler. I found it quite hard to navigate while pushing the pram. I wishi i had a map board on the handlebars! Patrick also stole my compass so i got confused a couple of times with orientation - especially towards the end of this loop.
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Sprintervals 1 (02/01/2017) Sprintervals 1 (02/01/2017)