Minor Event - Bundy North (2013-08-04)
Kategori: Competition
Karta/område: Bundy North
Arrangör: Tjuringa Orienteers
Land: Australia
Distans: Foot
Sträcka: 8.04 km
Tid: 72:33
Genomsnittlig puls: 132
Maxpuls: 157
I was a little tired after yesterday's ride so i ended up waling much of this course. Found it really hard to lift my legs over all of those bloody logs. Had difficulties with #7 which was in the bottom of a pit and out of sight until you were right next the control. The forest was rather pretty after drizzling while we were setting up the tents in the morning. Thankfully the bogans left in time for us to take over the stone hut for the event registration. Fern and Simon went and got me bakery food while i manned the computers and then mum gave me some cheese and banana cake. Calorie intake > effort put in to race.
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Minor Event - Bundy North (2013-08-04) Minor Event - Bundy North (2013-08-04)